Reproflexology methods
Reflexology Methods can improve fertility in both men and women with great effect. The next step is deciding which fertility method you which to go down. Do you want to take the natural path and consult a natural therapist or do you want to take the IVF path? If the male partner has an issue with his sperm, Reproflexology methods will make significant changes with weekly non-invasive treatments on the feet over 8-12 weeks. Andrologist specialists conduct extensive tests on males and it is worthwhile making an appointment to see an Andrologist for tests. IVF doctors do not advertise that they have a protocol for working on improving male sperm but instead conduct egg harvesting with females, obtain a sample of male semen with some healthy sperm to mix with healthy eggs. Embryos are cultured and a healthy one sometimes two are selected to transfer to the female uterus. The cost for Reproflexology [...]